Ok well it has been explained to me that some of you do not know how to watch the videos I have posted so today I am going to teach you how, don't be scared its actually very simple once you know how. There are two links at the bottom of this post for you to practice on.
Step one;
Move the mouse pointer to the beginning of the link, the bit that starts http:// there are two buttons at the top of your mouse click and HOLD DOWN the LEFT button. Move the mouse pointer along the link while holding down the button until all the link is highlighted.
Step 2;
Let go of the left mouse button, the whole link should now be highlighted (if not repeat step 1)
Now move the mouse pointer again over the link and click the RIGHT mouse button but do not hold down this time. A single click will do.
Step 3;
A small box will open. At the top will read OPEN LINK. Click once on this and the video will play. Please feel free to go back over the previous posts and enjoy the other videos I have posted. Bye for now, Stuart :) x x x
Its similar on a mobile just hold your finger on the link to copy them hold your finger on the address bar and paste and then the go button to go to YouTube link