Thursday, 22 August 2013

Friday 23rd August

Hello friends!
It has been 5 days since my last post. I am a very, very, very, VERY naughty boy and should be spanked furiously with something flexible and pointy. But enough of the kinky fun....
Now even though I didn't know what to expect at all when coming to India there were some assumptions that were made in my mind. One being that as a volunteer there would actually be work for me to do but unfortunately there isn't, which has been a large contributor to my lack of posts. I have had to try to think & find jobs to do and ways to help as they won't let me help out (they treat me as a special guest of which I understand why but find frustrating as I came to serve not to be served) but I have found one thing that will keep me busy for a while & will contribute to helping the hospice. 
Anyone who has been to a third world environment will know that rubbish is absolutely EVERYWHERE which is something I actually find quite upsetting, so I've bought 30 large bin bags & over time I'm going to go around the hospice grounds  (about half a square kilometre approx) when it's not too hot & pick up all the rubbish & burn it. This should give me something to do for a while. 
Good news as well though! We have donated 5000 rupees (about £53) to the hospice to towards them getting their septic tank emptied and enlarged so whatever happens at the end of all this it can truly be said that we have helped these people out of the s**t! ;)
Also, they were going to stop the weekly visits to to the villages to give injections as they don't have the money for fuel but we are going to pay for that (300 rupees a week, about £3.50) so that these very poor people can get the medicines they need, which is the kind of thing that I came out here to be a part of so I'm really happy about this. 
Now I have been to the school with the children but I have not written a report on it yet as I need to go back again, as it was an untypical day for them, also we had to leave early so I need to go back and get more information. 
I had fun there though, lots of the kids were coming up to me to say hello so I was shaking their hands and they would repeat "hello" after me. After about 20 kids I got bored of this so started saying "bonjour Madame!" to all of them of which they also repeated. 
Now whenever Im out at home time every time I pass the kids coming home from school in the street they shout out in a chorus "bonjour Madame!" which is both funny and strangely surreal.  
Ok then that's me done for now I will keep updating my post from now on maybe once or twice a week so I actually have something to tell you about I hope you are all well and energetic getting lots of spare time to dance the funky chicken. Bye for now, Stuart :) x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stu, it sounds as though you are helping more than you think. The help you gave with the septic tank and the money for petrol is fantastic. They obviously have very little and this help is, I am sure, very much needed. Clearing the rubbish from the surrounding areas is an excellent way of serving. I am very interested in how the children are cared for and how their days are structured, with schooling and free time etc. How is the heat? And the mozzies? And giant ants? We are experiencing some nice late August warmth at the moment. I hope it lasts a little longer before autumn sets in. Thinking of you. Looking forward to your next post.
    Love from Mum
