Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sun 18th August

Hello there friends.....

Well it's been a funny kind of week, with not much going in here at the hospice & not really doing much at all as I've felt drained all week. I'm sorry I haven't had anything to post about! Next week though I will actually be going to school with the kids to write up on what happens there. 
After being here for three weeks now and getting a fair I idea of what goes on here I am concerned about how I'm going to keep this blog going for 6 months. Generally this is a very uneventful place- granted it may not seem it from the previous posts I've made but I cannot keep re-posting the same material!
So then, I have a few plans of things I will write about but I think I will need your help. Please ask questions or ask me to report on things you might like to know about. 
I was thinking to do an individual blog for each child that lives here detailing things about them & their lives at the hospice. The problem is I can imagine that might be interesting for the first 5 maybe but by the time I reach 20 I'm not sure I'll have any following this blog anymore. Hmm maybe I could just space them out instead of doing one after another?
Please let me know what you think or if you have any ideas. Thanks to everyone who has commented I have replied to all the comments I've received but I do not know if you have received them or not!
Ah I just thought of something to tell you about. Yesterday was the day all the flying ants come out here- now the ants here are BIG here's a pic of one of the average ones:

I didn't get a picture if one of the giant queens as that would have meant allowing them to crawl on my feet as there were loads & I was more interested in running away & screaming like a girl. 
Now seriously the queens were huge. At least one inch long and there were millions of them. Just like the ones back home they are dozy fliers and kept landing on you & in your hair & crawling all over you. Now it  shouldn't have been but prayer time became quite funny. The kids kept trying to flick these giant ants away as they crawled towards them, then another child would flick it away & so on it became a bit like that air hockey game with giant winged ants! One of the boys picked one up and threw it at one of the other boys & it went down the back of his neck! It was one of those moments your not meant to laugh but can't help not laughing! Hehehe :) At the end of the prayers after the boys left there was a small pyramid of stacked up giant ant bodies. Unfortunate but necessary. Anyway that's my story for the day. Attack of the giant ant-queens. Tomorrow I wrestle a one eyed stuttering rabid dog. Stay tuned guys this one could actually be interesting........  Stuart :) x

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